inscriptions on precipices中文什么意思

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  1. 15 historically , many poets and senior monks wrote inscriptions on precipices to express their feelings when they visited famous mountains
  2. The gis applications in the protections and managements of inscriptions on precipices and steles in langya mountain , included making digital map and accuracy position , managements of multimedia information , the researching of the space - time distribute law of historical relics , the comprehensive analysis of historical relics , environment , and the daily work of the protections and managements


  1. inscription rubbing 什么意思
  2. inscriptionless 什么意思
  3. inscriptions of classics on stone 什么意思
  4. inscriptions on ancient bronze objects 什么意思
  5. inscriptions on oracle bones 什么意思
  6. inscriptions payées 什么意思
  7. inscriptionsonbronzeobjects 什么意思
  8. inscriptive 什么意思
  9. inscriptive stock 什么意思
  10. inscrit le 什么意思


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